sata hard drive vs ssd.

SSD drives - Introduction

As HDD drive SSD is also a storage device for the computers and all data is stored in integrated circuits.


It is compact in size and also reduces dramatic access time for start up.

SSD Drive is more expansive than HDDs per amount of storage.

SSDs for computers are available in 120 GB to 30.72 TB capacities in the market.

It is also called as flash memory.

It was first introduced in 1991 SSDs drive basically works on the algorithm of semiconductor devices and data is stored in the circuitry system. 

Nowadays, there are several computers are available in the market having great prices for SSD CPU. As time moves on and technology improves SSDs would become more and more cheap and price would definitely cut down. 

sata hard drive(HDD) - Introduction. 

HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive. It is based on the technology of magnetic writing on the disk installed in a hard casing. HDD drive stored data in the non- volatile data storage format. In the modern era these drives are available in rectangular shape.   

Don’t be confused of the RAM OR ROM memory as these are the criteria as how data would be stored on the computer. RAM means Random access memory or sometimes it is called as Volatile memory i.e. data stored in these devices are saved only when the computer is running and erases back whenever computer turned off.  

Internal Hard drive connected to a cable (ATA, SCSI or USB) and power cable connected to the power supply. 

While ROM is a Read only Memory means data stored in the storage device would saved permanently i.e. data would not lost instead of shut down of the computer. This ROM is also called as non- volatile memory and hard drives are the common example of the non- volatile memory storage device.

Mostly HDDs are manufactured by 224 companies while Seagate, Toshiba and Western Digital have more impact on the global market. HDDs are available in 3.5 inch for desktop and 2.5 inches for laptops.

It is connected by the PATA (Parallel ATA) or SATA (Serial ATA) cable connection, USB or SAS (Serial attached SCSI) cables. 

It takes time to start up your system as it have mechanical hardware means physical parts and they would take time to start up such as disk , electric motor, etc. So, therefore it is slower in speed as compared to SSD drives. 

The very first hard drive was introduced by IBM (International Business Machine) in September 13, 1956. And also IBM developed a first removable Hard disk of size 2.6 MB storage capacity. 


Comparison between SSD and HDD drive. 

Data stored in spinning magnetic drive. 

Data is stored in electrical semiconductor circuits and have no physical moving parts. 

The latest Seagate Exos 2X14 after up to 500MB/S speed. 

While Intel SSD D5-P5316 offers up to 7000 MB/S in bandwidth.

It is available in 250 GB to 20 TB.

It is available in 120 GB to 30.7 TB. 

HDD require more power as to move disk. 

While SSD required less power as compared.

It is based on the old technology of magnetic disk writing.

However it is based on the latest semiconductor technology.

It is cheaper as compared to SSD drives. 

It is much costlier than compared to HDD drive. 

Now, from the above discussion everyone would have been definitely make clear themselves of which drive is suitable for their computer?. From the last few years it has been seen that the price range of SSD drive computers have been smashed down rapidly and these prices have been cut-off by almost 30% to 45%. And now a days , the computers, laptops with SSD drive with 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB are available on the online platform.
E-commerce companies like, etc. are listed with SSD drive type of computers and laptops. Anyone can compare the products and prices by comparing the features of HDD drive and  SSD drive together and thereafter, you can move onto purchase the products .
Talking about the prices of laptops with SSD drive hence there are some options are available on with zebronix offering CPUs 480Gb SSD drive of Rs. 187900 only. Currently you are saving 25% on the base price .
Cyntexia computer CPUs with 240 Gb and made in India product is available @Rs. 13499 only. You are saving 42% on the basic price. you can purchase it on
In laptops : Lenovo is offering Ideapad5 pro AMD Ryzen 5800 U 14" display with 1TB SSD drive @Rs. 78990 only. You are saving 35% from the base price. 
Many more options are also available you can go through these website online you can find more awesome products according your needs.
So, overall in this modern era of competition and speed demanding situation these SSD drive have been created a milestone and improved the work efficiency of modern computers. 



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