
How to connect to Internet if your computer/laptop wi-fi is not working .?
If anyone have some important work to do and his/her internet is not working since his Wi Fi hardware have some problem or missing from the system, in that case what should be done to use internet.?

Here are some useful other methods to use/share internet from other phone which have active internet service-

1. You can use Bluetooth internet sharing system called Bluetooth tethering.
          Bluetooth internet sharing is being given in all smartphone.And take care that your desktop or laptop have installed Bluetooth device, if already have  turn it ON.
To use Bluetooth internet sharing you have to follow several steps .
(In your smartphone open settings and go to more and search for Bluetooth tethering turn it ON.

 Now search for the Bluetooth network available into your system and accept tethering.)

2. Now, if Bluetooth tethering didn't work then another simple and most dependable method is also available to share internet.
This method require only USB cable to connected with both your smartphone and your laptop or desktop.
For this method you have to follow the below requisite steps-

First of all , connect the USB cable to your system/laptop with your smartphone.
Then go to the settings option of your phone .
Search for USB tethering there and make sure that it is highlighted (means your cable is properly connected.)
Now , turn it ON and it would be automatically connected .

There you go ,now you  can use the Internet from your phone to your system .



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