sata hard drive vs ssd.
SSD drives - Introduction . As HDD drive SSD is also a storage device for the computers and all data is stored in integrated circuits. SSDs stand for SOLID STATE DRIVE . It is compact in size and also reduces dramatic access time for start up. SSD Drive is more expansive than HDDs per amount of storage. SSDs for computers are available in 120 GB to 30.72 TB capacities in the market. It is also called as flash memory. It was first introduced in 1991 SSDs drive basically works on the algorithm of semiconductor devices and data is stored in the circuitry system. Nowadays, there are several computers are available in the market having great prices for SSD CPU. As time moves on and technology improves SSDs would become more and more cheap and price would definitely cut down. sata hard drive(HDD) - Introduction. HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive . It is based on the technology of magnetic writing on the disk installed in a hard casing. HDD drive stored data in the ...