advantages and disadvantages of mobile

In this modern era if we are living with the modern gadgets around us then we should make aware ourselves as quick as possible about their side-effects and as their operating procedures may drive us towards practicing bad habits including our loss of precious family time, study time, time for relatives, loss of sleep patterns etc.
Now a days smartphones have becomes an integral part of our daily life, over half of the world's population are using smartphones for so many reasons. AS the necessity and usage of mobile phones have been great in use so their production and marketing ,their features etc. have been improved rapidly. Mobile companies are growing with the huge production to fulfil the demand of the public. Now a days many of the smartphones have great quality of camera and music features and cheaper that is why they are floating in the market with the great demand. Also looking for the other features which makes phones very important are the online gaming, many UPI applications which makes the banking easily at the fingertips.

Taking common example of smartphones, these smartphones are now becomes an important part of our day to day lives as without smartphones we can't even think of visiting the long distant places (due to map inside them) ; all bills including electricity , gas, water bills , railway ticket, air tickets, banking and many other facilities have been made available  on our smartphones. These technology features have already brought a revolution in human life but instead of their beneficial features we should have to be aware of their misuse and diverse effect on our generation.

Children are now badly affected by the online gaming a days, playing for long duration of time may cause some neural problems and it effects their studies also. Some of the agencies have also warned for these practices. Recently in a judgement  supreme court of India also has shown serious concern and given a judgement for restriction of time for playing online gaming like: P.U.B.G. . Beyond these side-effects smartphones have also no doubts made easier to talk to our relatives and beloved whether they are apart from us far away including video calling, paying bills online without traveling round and round of government offices , mobile banking made easy to send and receive money online without getting into the queue. 

Overall, using the smartphones with the knowledge of their advantage and disadvantage would lead us to grow in a healthy and prosperous environment.




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